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Patio area approximately 30msq laid using 50mm pacers
Patio area approximately 30msq laid using 50mm pacers

More photographs on block paving

Paving blocks laid along edgings to form a soldier border
200msq area of charcoal block paving laid to form a camber to the driveway (camber meaning a graduated curvature)
Kiln dried sand brushed into joints of block paving to strengthen bonding, then compressed
Near completed path to rear of property. Remaining blocks marked then cut using either a block cutter or stihl saw
Screed sand compressed and levelled ready for block paving to be laid


Original flat roof of this porch which was leaking has now been replaced with a pitch roof
Oak staircase nearing completion
Scaffolding errected in preparation to repairing chimney stack
Uncovered clay dig
Soil dug from trench being dumped
Single storey garage extension with rear utility room
Patio area approximately 30msq laid using 50mm pacers
Brick clad skin to commercial building
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